

The Clean Energy Project

The Clean Energy projects searches for next generation plastic solar cell materials using RC computational resources. The project, led by Professor Alán Aspuru-Guzik, has generated data about 2.3 million candidate compounds for organic electronic materials. To find out more about the project see here.

Migratory behavior of planetary systems

Using Odyssey to run numerical integrations, research on how planetary systems evolve and migrate has provided new insights. The centuries old theory of orderly planetary system architectures is being challenged by new evidence that suggests many planetary systems underwent a period of upheaval during which giant planets “migrated” from where they formed. For a full analysis see here.

The Equality of Opportunity Project

Harvard economists measure the upward mobility of children in the bottom fifth of U.S. households using big data and Odyssey. The economists found that there is substantial variation in the U.S. in the prospects for escaping poverty and some of the strongest predictors of upward mobility are social capital and family structure. For more details see here.

MGHPCC Awarded LEED® Platinum Certification

The Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) has become the first university research data center to receive a LEED® Platinum certification, the highest green building ranking. The MGHPCC is also one of only 13 data centers in the country to receive a Platinum certification. Computing centers are typically large users of energy. “As our name indicates, environmental sustainability and…

Research Computing Adds 28,000 Processors to Cluster

With the opening of the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC) in November 2012, Research Computing began the build out of its new server infrastructure located in Holyoke, MA. The end result was a cluster 28,000 processors stronger bringing total compute to over 54,000 CPUs. While computing power went up, total energy consumption went down. The MGHPCC facility was designed to minimize cooling…

MGHPCC Open for Business

State of the Art Data Center Will Keep Massachusetts at Forefront of Innovation Economy HOLYOKE – Friday, November 16, 2012 – Governor Deval Patrick and Lieutenant Governor Timothy Murray joined university leaders and technology executives today to cut the ribbon on the Massachusetts Green High Performance Computing Center (MGHPCC). The new Center will keep Massachusetts at the forefront of the innovation…

Research Computing to play vital role in $9 million grant from the National Institute of Mental Health

From the Harvard Gazette By Peter Reuell, Harvard Staff Writer Have you ever wondered why infants can learn foreign languages easily, while older children and parents struggle? Or why your third-grader can fix your computer, but you can barely check your email? The answer, scientists have long known, lies in the way brains develop. All children experience what researchers call “critical…